Free App Unlocks Your Brain’s Secret ‘Success Mode’ For An Abundant Life In Only 10 Minutes A Day

Swap mindless zombie scrolling for billionaire-like focus, intelligence, and motivation in just 10 minutes per day. Join 60,000+ people who are taking control and creating a life of ultimate health, wealth and happiness.

5 stars from 60,000+ users

Have You Ever Wondered Why You Don’t Have The Life You Want?

Or questioned why one person becomes smarter, wealthier and happier, while others struggle their entire life?

My name is Emil Anton, and I was always fascinated by this question.

Despite growing up in a poor family with little prospects, I became a successful entrepreneur, venture capitalist, a multi-millionaire, and even made Business Elite’s 30 Under 30.

But despite our shared background, my childhood friends and classmates didn’t find the same success.

I don’t think I’m special nor did I work ten times harder than they did… so what was the difference?

To uncover the answers, I hired an elite team of neuroscientists to study a group of the world’s most successful billionaires.

...A Breakthrough Discovery That Would Have Saved YEARS From My Success Journey

Here’s the harsh truth: your brain gets ‘lazy’ in your 20s.

During your early years your brain develops neural pathways. Once you reach age 25, it falls back on them to choose the easy route.

It becomes WAY harder to get smarter, motivated and focused in your 20s and 30s. Your brain is sabotaging your success, without you even realizing it.

This is exactly where billionaires differ.

Instead of accepting ‘lazy brain’, they use a phenomenon called micro-learning to forge ahead during the same years most people stagnate.

The most interesting thing about Micro-learning is that it compounds over time.

So with each passing year, they became smarter, more focused, and more productive than ever…

Like switching on their brain’s ‘success mode’ and unlocking the power to achieve unprecedented wealth.

How To Develop ‘Billionaire Traits’ And Unlock The Life You Always Dreamed?

As a result of the study, my researchers created a revolutionary set of micro-learning sessions to help people develop ‘billionaire traits’ and transform their lives.

All it takes is 10-minutes a day to develop the mindset, habits, and motivation to power through roadblocks and achieve your goals.

For the first time ever, you can access these scientifically developed sessions FREE for 7 days with the new Alux app.

These daily, focused audio sessions have a unique combination of performance coaching, wealth strategies and mindfulness to build an abundant life.

In as little as 21 days, you could develop the habits to switch on ‘success mode’ and create the life you always dreamed of.

To your success,

Emil Anton

Founder and CEO of Alux Inc

Business Elite’s 30 Under 30

Content From World-Leading Doctors, Philosophers, Neuroscientists, And Executive Coaches

The Alux app is like a mentor, teacher, and coach in your pocket. Using 10-minute micro-sessions from the researchers, doctors, philosophers, neuroscientists and executive coaches involved in the study, you’ll grow the critical traits you need to for an abundant life:

Get Unlimited FREE Access To The Alux App And Discover The Tools To Become The Architect Of Your Own Life

Here’s a fraction of what’s waiting for you when you download the Alux app…


An original new ‘Alux’ every single day – continuous new 7 to 15 minute audio sessions that compound your skills over time so you can smash mental roadblocks standing in your way.


The most valuable insights, techniques, and ideas in each field… condensed into short actionable ‘lesson packs’ from leading experts in philosophy, neuroscience, and executive coaching.


A weekly story that will completely transform the way you think about life, so you can fast-track your success and finally achieve life-changing wealth.


Automate accountability by easily tracking daily streaks and session notes, so you stay on track and avoid falling into old habits!

Join 60,000 People Already On The Path To Billionaire Status

Unlock Your Brain’s Secret ‘Success Mode’ And Get The Keys To A Wealthier Life

If you’re starting to feel like your life won’t amount to much… like you’re not really ‘special’ and you never really were… if you’re stuck in a rut, losing money, wasting time on your phone, and struggling to sleep at night… then don’t give up just yet.

Alux is the only app of its kind, anywhere in the world. Developed by researchers and neuroscientists who studied the world’s most successful billionaires, you’ll access useful content that can make an immediate and lasting impact on your life. Finally break through your negative fears and self-limiting beliefs, and realize the potential you always knew lay inside you!

60,000 Users And 4 Million YouTube Subscribers Can’t Be Wrong

With more than 60,000 app users and 4 million YouTube subscribers, Alux is the largest community of luxury and fine-living enthusiasts in the world. We’re on a mission to make the world of luxury and fine living accessible to as many people as possible.

Alux has seen great heights already – an Online Luxury Media Award, Business Elite’s 30 Under 30, and transforming the lives of tens of thousands of luxury-seekers just like you. If you want to join the movement and become the architect of your own future, then show up for yourself and join our thriving community today.

When You Join Alux, You’re Supporting Worthy Charities And People In Need

At Alux, we appreciate the finer things in life… but we never forget our roots. As part of an initiative to give back, we pledged a portion of our sales to help people in Ukraine – helping 300 families in Odesa and 100 families in Bucha in a time of great need.

Now, we’re undertaking a long-term commitment to building schools in Uganda. With education at the heart of everything we do, we look forward to officially opening our first new school by the end of 2022, as part of our larger goal to build a new school every year.

3 Simple Steps To Master Every Area Of Your Life…

  • 01

    Download The Alux App

    If you’re not happy with where you are in life, and you want to finally become a better version of yourself and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of, then the proven pathway is laid out in front of you. Hit the ‘download’ button and take the first step.

  • 02

    Listen For 10 Minutes Per Day

    This isn’t some self-help book or guru who inspires you for a week, then you forget all about it. These are super-focused lessons from the brightest, most qualified minds in the world, designed to compound little by little and explode your success over the next few months and years.

  • 03

    Become The Master Of Your Own Destiny

    Do you finally want control over your house, your car, your career, and the decisions you make every single day? Finally become the best version of yourself and realize your true potential… without fear, stress, or negativity holding you back!


Unlock Unlimited FREE Access To The Alux App & Get A BONUS ‘7-Session Pathway’ To Your Abundant Life!